Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Proposition 8

So, I think it's time to write again. Partly because my dear friend, Salili, reminded me that I haven't written for a while, and partly because I saw that my boyfriend was reading this, without commenting, too. Lame. I wasn't really sure what to write about, but then I read one of my friend's blog, and decided I would like to quote some of the better parts of his most recent blog. It's about Prop 8. So, I knew that it was about gay marriage, but I didn't realize how much the result would really affect me, especially since it's in California.

First: "Not only would it declare gay marriage legal and constitutional, but it would also require organizations such as religions to recognize and accept such marriages." I had no idea. That's huge. Why didn't someone tell me this before? A gay couple could sue a church if it decided to not let them get married in the church on the basis that they don't believe gay marriage is acceptable. I don't think that's fair at all. I keep seeing all these flares on facebook saying things along the lines of "don't decide my marriage". To that I have to say: "don't sue my religion for its beliefs."

Second: "Instead of a church forcing their beliefs on gay people (say, banning gay marriage), gay people would be forcing their beliefs on churches by threatening them with lawsuits if they didn’t accept something against their beliefs. As I’ve mentioned before with similar issues, equality means EQUAL, not equal but one side has special rights." I totally agree with this. While I don't think gay marriage is okay, I'm not out there trying to force someone into a certain way of feeling or believing. I will think the way I will, and you can think the way you will, and if we disagree, we'll just be extra polite around each other. How does that sound?

Anyway, the blog is very good, and if you would like to read the whole thing, you should go to