Monday, October 13, 2008


So, I have about an hour of my life that I believe needs to be written down. After music history, Kristen and I wanted some breakfast. So, since we have an hour and 20 minutes between history and our next class, we decided to go to Jamba Juice. AS we walked out of the music building, we saw a blue shuttle that had gone past the stop, but was stuck behind a line of cars. Ir an up to it and pulled a puppy dog face, which got us on. When we got off by the trax station, the train we wanted was sitting there. We thought that it would have left by the time we walked there, but it didn't. It turns out that one of the other trains was stuck trying to get up the "S curve," the place where 4th south be comes 5th south.

We got on and ended up waiting for a few minutes. Finally the train left and we were able to get off at the 7th east trax stop. Kristen proceeded to squisht he little pictures carved into tiles on the ground. We made our way to Jamba, ordered, got the delicious food, and went back to the station. While we were standing there, waiting for the trains to figure out how to work, this really random guy came up and started talking to us. He was listening to a disc man, wearing rolled up shorts, and pretty much the most random assortment of clothes I've ever seen.

He started talking to us about polotics and how the trains suck and other dumb things. In the middle of our conversation, he started singing Phantom of the Opera to himself, and he claimed that he was the best cosmotologist in Salt Lake. When the train finally came, Kristen and I had a good laugh about this guy. While we were laughing, however, the guy sitting across from us started talking to us. He started asking us where things were in Salt Lake, because he was a new medical resident and didn't know. Kristen and I decided that we had "talk to us" stamped on our foreheads. It was pretty funny.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Happy First Day of Halloween!

Today begins the most wonderful holiday of the year... HALLOWEEN!!! Woot! I'm so excited. Today I dressed up as a pirate. It was great fun. I wished all my friends a merry first day of Halloween, some didn't get it, and I handed out candy to a select few. Tomorrow I think I will be a tutor. That sounds scary enough. Maybe I'll make pumpkins or something with my students. Fun fun!! So, I'm wishing you all a merry first day of Halloween.

Side note: what are you gonna be for Halloween this year? I'm gonna be a princess.