Sunday, September 7, 2008


Hello! I'm Kris! This is my blog.
I'm a student at the University of Utah. I think that's only gonna last another year. Big changes are in my "near" future. (Near is about the next five years or so.) I study music, because I would die if I didn't, but I'd really like to get into something more mathematical or scientifical. Music therapy seems to be my next endeavor. I'm hoping that this one sticks, because I'm sick of going to school. I really want to just settle down into working and hanging out with my favoritest people in the world (friends!).
I work for America Reads. It's a group of college students that tutor elementary school students who need help with reading or math. It's the best job I've ever had and I think I would love to keep it forever, but I'm terrified of landing in poverty and once you graduate, you can't do it anymore. I, also, tutor music at the U, so if anyone needs help with music or knows anyone that needs help, tell them to go to the tutor center. It's really cheap.
I have the greatest friends in the whole entire world. It took me a few years to realize just how great they really are, but now that I know it, I'm never going back on that. Since school has started, I don't have as much time for them. I'm so sorry for this, and I will make it up to them as best I can. I love my friends with all my heart. If I can count you as one of my friends, just know that I would do anything for you. I would die without you, so I have to keep you safe as best I can.
That's my little intro. ...*shrugs*...


Josh said...

I guess it's because I'm your friend, but I think I already knew a lot of that. Can't wait to see what you blog about on here.

Jaycey said...

Hey I found your blog!

I'm excited to see what you're going to do with it! :D